Wednesday, January 6, 2016

One Year Anniversary of Charlie Hebdo Bombing

Ever since I published "Amsterdam 2012" in 2010, readers have asked for a sequel.  I put off writing it.  Perhaps the grimness of Europe under Islamic Fascism was too awful to contemplate.  But I felt the story was half finished.  "Amsterdam 2012" was from an American's POV, and stopped in the middle of the Eurabian War.  I had to go back.

I knew what the sequel to "Amsterdam 2012" would be.  A heroic tale of the Dutch Resistance.  I knew there had to be a love interest between a Christian woman and a Muslim man, a love that would literally save the world.  In October 2013, I spent several weeks in The Netherlands, plotting out the novel, walking in the footsteps of my characters.  But still, I couldn't bring myself to start writing.

Then came the Charlie Hebdo bombing on January 7, 2015.  I remember watching the aftermath of the bombing, and thinking that what I had written in "Amsterdam 2012" was coming true.  It shook me to the core.  I started writing. 

Then came the Syrian refugee crisis, the Paris attacks, Brussels under lockdown, and the San Bernardino shootings.  I scrambled to finish my final edits. 

"Amsterdam 2020" is now up on Amazon.  I didn't even bother asking my agent to pitch it to my publishers.  In 2008, "Amsterdam 2012" was considered too dangerous to publish and was turned down (understandably, no editor wants to endanger his or her staff).  Digital Publishing is fine.  It is selling quite well in Germany, even without translation.  I don't even miss holding a paper copy in my hands, a thrill to any writer.  I imagine it might feel like a bomb.

Readers have asked me, "Do you really think your story in 'Amsterdam 2020' is plausible?  A Europe under Islamic Fascism?"  Only time will tell.  Iran and Saudi Arabia have been fighting proxy wars for years.  It will only take a spark, or a charismatic Hitler-type leader for the entire region to erupt.  It does seem to be building to a crisis.

So read my book.  See what you think.  I have this blog so we can talk about it.

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